What Does 2024 Have in Store for OWCP?

Predicting specific changes to the Office of Federal Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) in 2024 can be tricky, as many factors can influence its direction. However, based on current trends and developments, here are some potential areas for change for the DOL-OWCP in 2024:

Regulation and policy updates:

  • White-collar exemptions final rule: The Department of Labor (DOL) aims to finalize its rule revising the “white collar” exemptions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) by April 2024. This could impact eligibility for overtime pay and minimum wage for some federal employees.
  • Experience modification changes for workers’ comp premiums: The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) proposed standardizing the average D-ratio across states for experience rating modifications. This could affect workers’ comp premium rates for federal employers in some states.
  • Streamlined medical review for firefighter FECA claims: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) mandated streamlined medical review for certain occupational disease claims filed by federal firefighters. OWCP might further adjust procedures for handling these claims in 2024.

Budget and funding:

  • Congressional funding: OWCP submitted a budget justification requesting 2-year availability for program execution. This, if approved, could offer greater program flexibility and reduce the impact of short-term funding uncertainties for DOL doctors.
  • Compensation adjustments: Annual adjustments to wage earners’ average weekly wage (AWRW) used for calculating compensation benefits might occur, potentially affecting benefits amounts for injured federal workers.

Technology and efficiency:

  • Continued electronic submission and processing of claims: OWCP might further advance its efforts to encourage and facilitate electronic filing and processing of claims for increased efficiency.
  • Enhanced data analytics and utilization: Improvements in data analysis and reporting could be leveraged for better-informed decision-making and program administration.

It’s important to note that these are just potential areas of change to the federal workers compensation program, and not all of them may materialize. To stay informed about specific changes and updates, I recommend regularly checking the official OWCP doctors website and publications:

Please be aware that I am not a legal professional, and this information is not intended as legal advice. For specific questions about semaglutide and how upcoming changes to OWCP might affect your situation, I recommend consulting with an attorney specializing in workers’ compensation law.